Friday 8 February 2013


 Unmanned drones are used mainly for reconnaisance missions but also to strike terrorist targets
Source: AFP/Getty Images

I read an interesting but brief article on the use of UAVs this evening. The central part of the article concerned the ability of UAVs to do away with the risks to service personal and questioned whether this is preferred over deploying boots on the ground.
UAVs conduct a lot of reconnaissance missions that would otherwise involve risking either pilots or troops conducting ground reconnaissance. They also allow the ability to strike with out fear of injury to any service personnel.  

However the article does point out that there are people with issues regarding the use of drones for “targeted assassination” and the killing of US citizens by US forces without trial etc. I think this is an area where perhaps UAVs will always have a problem regarding justification. The fact that they allow targets to be killed/destroyed from a distance and with relative ease will always be unsettling, however is this really any different to a guided missile being used from a jet or launched from a naval vessel?

One thing is for certain however and that is they have had an impact in Afghanistan and their use is set to continue for the foreseeable future no matter how loud the dissenting voices get. If given the simple choice of deploying boots on the ground in a risky operation or using a UAV politicians will always choose the latter. 

Here is a link to the article.

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