Tuesday 20 August 2013

A visit to Paris

With it being summer time I ventured to Paris to take in the sights. One thing that struck me was how the city had survived the ravages of two world wars virtually intact.
The streets were great to walk along and feel the history that the city has, a great number of monuments to various wars and conflicts adorn Paris.

Memorial opposite Notre Dame Cathedral, Source: Author's Collection.

I have always had an interest in the Napoleonic wars and some of the statues and monuments were fantastic to look upon and incredible that due to a number of reasons they survived two very destructive conflicts.
It is not just the statues that are a reminder of past wars but also Metro stations such as Bir Hakem (the Metro station by the Eifel Tower).
Arc Du Triumph, Source: Author's Collection.

It was a trip filled with plenty of walking and plenty of mental notes to self to read up more on various periods (not least the French Revolution as I have only a very basic knowledge around this significant event).

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